Alright, You've seen photos with Austin in his new Hockey Gear, but here he is on the ice. He is having such a blast. He is doing so good Ice Skating, just last week he went around the whole Ice rink with out falling twice (not in a row) He was so proud of himself! I was at a scrapbooking convention or I would have taken pictures. I am so happy for him.

Here is a picture of My mother, Katariina, Kaarina and I. We try to go Ice Skating every Saturday. It is such a fun family activity.
Yeah for Austin! He is going to be a great Hockey player:) He looks so cute in all that gear....I don't know how he can skate with it all on!? Ice skates always hurt my feet & ankles a lot. I am not very good either! I love the picture of you with your sisters and your mom. That is so neat that you guys ice skate together all the time!!!!! Tell them all I said "hi"!
Maybe you have a professional hockey player in the future?? He is so cute in his gear. I love the pic of you and your sisters and mom. It is neat that you have an activity to enjoy as a family.
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