Saturday, October 27, 2007

Our Ward Trunk or Treat

We had our Ward Trunk or Treat last night. It was fun, short and chilly. Austin dressed up as Darth Vader (that was his choice). Aaron was our little Nuggett's Basketball Player (we chose that for him). Our Cousins Emmalee was Dorothy Gail and Dominic was the Cowardly Lion (From the Wizard of OZ). They has lots of fun trunk or treating. Emmalee was afraid of Austin (I don't know why, I wouldn't let him wear the mask.. I think it was the sword)

Well, for those of you who don't know what a Trunk or Treat is, it is where you go trick or treating at the trunks of each car in the parking lot.

Well, enjoy the pictures.


grammie said...

They are all so cute! Austin and Pierce would have fun sword fighting. He is going to be Obi-Won-Kenobi. Aunt Nancy

Amanda said...

Too bad Austin doesn't live here! Darth Vader and OB Wan could battle and I wouldn't have to sword fight!!