Wednesday, May 09, 2007

On the Ice with New Hockey Gear!

Alright, You've seen photos with Austin in his new Hockey Gear, but here he is on the ice. He is having such a blast. He is doing so good Ice Skating, just last week he went around the whole Ice rink with out falling twice (not in a row) He was so proud of himself! I was at a scrapbooking convention or I would have taken pictures. I am so happy for him.

Here is a picture of My mother, Katariina, Kaarina and I. We try to go Ice Skating every Saturday. It is such a fun family activity.


Amanda said...

Yeah for Austin! He is going to be a great Hockey player:) He looks so cute in all that gear....I don't know how he can skate with it all on!? Ice skates always hurt my feet & ankles a lot. I am not very good either! I love the picture of you with your sisters and your mom. That is so neat that you guys ice skate together all the time!!!!! Tell them all I said "hi"!

grammie said...

Maybe you have a professional hockey player in the future?? He is so cute in his gear. I love the pic of you and your sisters and mom. It is neat that you have an activity to enjoy as a family.