July 19, we were invited to the Renaissance Fair for our friends Josh and Bree's wedding. I was really excited because I have never been to a Renaissance Fair, and now I get to go and get the full experience with a wedding too.
I decided to try my hand at making out costumes, Chris said he didn't want me to make his because he didn't want it to look cheap, so I agreed in letting him buy his shirt. I made Austin a shirt that looked exactly like Chris' (by the way it looked just as good, maybe he will let me sew for him now...) Aaron wore a D&D onsie that was given to use, and I made my corset, shirt and dress. (My corset was fine for the day, but I now have my heart set on one of these for next time).
We had a fun day, first we had the wedding ceremony, where Josh the groom flipped a coin before saying I do (great laugh), then we headed to the party area where there was delicious food and cold drinks (definitely needed in the heat). After that we were free to roam the area, and then the Bride and Groom rode and elephant through the fair, it was neat to see. We watched a jousting tournament, and had fun looking at all the neat shops and fun(and some interesting) costumes. Enjoy a little glimpse of what we had fun seeing.