Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Thought I woulds share some cute pictures of Austin in his little Easter outfit. He is such a ham, and loves his pictures to be taken. He had a fun Easter Day, boy did he love his candy, and ate as much as he could. I know that is not good for them, but Hey it's Easter, right??

Friday, April 06, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
My Hockey Man
We promised Austin that if he went ice skating the whole time we would get him a hockey helmet with a face cage. He did a great job ice skating. We just today got his hockey helmet and we also got him some butt pads. He was so excited and couldn't wait to get the box open to wear them. He knew they were coming in the mail wanted to check the mail every day, even though it was coming UPS. Here are some cute pictures of our "Little Hockey Man".

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Holly, CO's Tornado
The begining of the week there were alot of tornados that hit. One of them was in Holly, CO. Chris said it is about a stone's throw aways from Kansas. The Stake President called the men in our stake to go and help clean up yesterday. So Chris and 12 of the men from our ward went up there to help. It is about a 3 hour drive from Colorado Springs. Chris said it was so sad to see all the damage that was done. The Tornado was about 2 football fields in length and definately did damage. Houses were completely torn apart, some houses were no longer there. It was an older community, Chris said he saw Christmas cards that were old (if he had to guess 1940-50's). Ton's of history gone. It was very sad to see. Chris took some pictures with his phone, not the best, but you can see alot of the damage. Keep these people in your prayers.

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